Electral Dermal Screening
Finding Root Cause
Service Description
Using the meridian points, we can find imbalances in the body and give you a road map back to better health. This is a non invasive method for gaining valuable information about the body's function. What we will screen for: Nutritional deficiencies Pathogenic activity Gut health imbalances Emotional health/nervous system Hormonal imbalances *This service is to be booked by phone with Better Health and Wellness Clinic Contact info: 321-259-8250 Email: info@bhawc.com Website: www.bhawc.com I will be seeing clients in person at the Westchase location. Initial screenings are $400 and a 2 hour session. Rechecks are $225. *Disclaimer Electro-dermal screening does not provide a medical diagnosis. If a person suspects they need medical intervention, they should consult with their family physician
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